The terms and conditions of your use of services related to SSL certificates are set
and written in SSL Certificates Service Agreement. This is a registration agreement
between you and ServerBold, Inc. According to this agreement, your referred
agent, servant, employee or any other person can have the authority to act on your

SSL Certificates Service Agreement helps in explaining our obligations to
you and your obligations to us for any SSL services offered by ServerBold.

agreement gives you the opportunity and liberty to use your account or to give
permission to someone else to use and access and even cancel your ServerBold
services and products or cancel the ServerBold services (although we weren’t
notified of this kind of authorization), the Services Agreement covers this service
and actions..

1. Description of the Certificates: SSL Certificates is applicable for Comodo
Instant SSL, Comodo PremiumSSL, VeriSign Secure Site, VeriSign Secure
Site Pro, and VeriSign Secure Site with EV, VeriSign Secure Site Pro with
EV Certificates, GeoTrust True BusinessID, GeoTrust True BusinessID
Wildcard, and GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV. You can apply for this fully
authenticated certificate on behalf of your organization. SSL Certificates
ensures you of providing genuine message, software, content integrity and
even confidentiality encryption. The identity and existence of the subscriber
is provided by this certificate. In fact, it also explains whether the subscriber
is allowed to use the domain name listed in the certificate application or
not. SSL Certificates also assured the validity of the domain. The certificate
application has been authorized by the domain administrator or not is
provided by this certificate. Suppose the domain name is been listed in
such of the Certificate Application. Following applies on QuickSSL Premium,
GeoTrust QuickSSL, RapidSSL Wildcard, RapidSSL, Comodo Positive SSL
Wildcard Certificates and Comodo PositiveSSL only: Certificate for that
you have actually applied at behalf of the organization isn’t the completely
authenticated Certificate. The Certificates are been issued to devices and
give validation of a domain; software, message, as well as content integrity;
or confidentiality encryption. The Certificates give assurances of validity
of a domain and that domain administrator also has authorized Certificate
Application. Also, no organization authentication gets performed on an owner
of a domain.

2. Use Restrictions: You are not allowed to use your certificate on behalf or
for your organization. At the same time you are prohibited from performing
any public or private key operations with any other domain name or with
the name of any other organization except the one which have submitted on
your certificate application. You cannot use more than one device or physical
server at a time until and unless you get the permission of the issuer of the
Certificate. Under any dangerous circumstances, you are prohibited from
using SSL certificate as control equipment. You are restricted from using this
certificate for the operation of weapons control systems, air traffic control
systems, aircraft navigation or communication systems. This can result to
personal injury, major environmental damage and even death.

3. Fees: The amount which you have to pay for submitting your domain name
or organization name to the certificate application is non-refundable. You
can get the fees back, only before fifteen days after the issuance of the
Certificate. You can apply to ServerBold for the revocation of the certificate,
only if the certificate had not been used by you under any circumstances.

4. Expiration And Renewal Of Service(S): It is your sole responsibility to keep a
track and maintain your own records and reminders when your certificate is
set to expire. You will get an alert notification from us through a mail when
your renewal fees are due. If you are not able to pay the renewal fees within
time, then your services will be expired or cancelled. You can make the
payment by credit card or any other such methods which are only allowed by

5. Revocation: ServerBold have the right to cancel your certificate at any
time without sending you any alert notification, if they notice that the data
within your certificate is not relevant or no longer valid. If you are unable to
perform your obligations under the terms of this Agreement, then they can
revoke your certificate. If you get involved in any harmful activities, then you
certificate can be cancelled by ServerBold.

6. Limitation of Liability: According to this Agreement, we are not legally
responsible for any special, incidental, punitive, consequential, direct or
indirect damages. There are certain jurisdictions which do not give you
the permission of using this certificate under any circumstances or for
any consequential or incidental damages. If you are found to misuse the
certificate, your certificate will be expired or cancelled by us. This types of
the limitation applies irrespective of if any alleged liability get based at the
contract, warranty, tort, strict liability, negligence, and some other basis,
even though suppose we are been advised from any kind of possibility of
these types of the damages and such type of damages that were very well
foreseeable. As some of the jurisdictions never ever try to allow this kind of
limitation and elimination of the liability for the consequential and incidental
damages, the liability in these jurisdictions will get limited in the highest
extent allowed by the law. Suppose any kind of provision of the limitations
of the liability can be found very unenforceable, just this provision will get
removed or this remainder will get enforced in highest extent allowed by the

7.Indemnity and Defense: The domain operator as well as the agents,
employees, officers, directors, contractors and shareholders should not be
involved in any harmful activities and should be free from all kinds of
harmless liabilities, claims and expenses including court costs and attorney’s
fees related to or arising under this Agreement. The infringement or the
limitation of the services provided to you by us is of intellectual property.
You need to give us a written application in which you will need to mention
to defend and indemnify and even holding us harmless from the costs and
liabilities, if you want to be involved in a suit by engaging a third party
related to our services. Failing to provide such written assurances to us may
result in losing your right to control the disposition of domain name services,
which you have already registered. It is your sole responsibility to defend us
against any such claim by legal counsel of our choosing and with relation to
which we’re registrar of the record. Furthermore, if we are forced to defend
ourselves at any action and legal proceeding in the connection with any kin
of WhoisGuard™ Services given to you, then you will have the sole
responsibility of defending us against any of the claim by the legal counsel if
you ever wish to do so. The indemnification is besides any kind of
indemnification needed under UDRP. Terms of the paragraph can survive any
kind of termination and cancellation of Agreements. Furthermore, you also
agree to defend, release, indemnify as well as hold harmless Primary &
Backend Service Providers, or the parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries,
agents, shareholders, officers, directors, as well as employees or Your
registrar, from as well as against any or all the claims, liabilities, demands,
damages, losses, and costs, which includes the reasonable attorney’s fees,
coming out of an related at any way to Agreements, websites of Service
Providers, Account, or use of the Protected Domain.

8. Legal Age: You need to legally eligible for submitting and entering into this
Services Agreement.

9. Final Agreement: This Services Agreement consists of the ICANN Policy and
the UDRP. This Agreement between you and us becomes exclusive with all
modifications. It helps in governing all important proposals, agreements and
other communications. You are prohibited from amending or modifying this
Services Agreement, until and unless you get a written application approved
and signed by you and also any of our representative.

10. No Agency Relationship: This Services Agreement should not consists of any
content which results in creating any partnership, agency and any other form
of joint enterprises between the parties hereto. It is the responsibility of each
and every party to ensure that the former persons shall not represent to the
contrary implicitly, expressly and also by appearance.

11. Waiver: Our failure to require your performance of any provision shall not
affect the complete authority to require such performance at any time, thus;
nor shall waiver by us in breach of any kind of provision hereof taken and
held to be the waiver of provision itself.

12. Enforceability: There is a chance that any provision of this Services
Agreement can be considered invalid or unenforceable under any applicable
law or any decision under applicable court. This type of invalidity shall not
make this Services Agreement invalid or unenforceable. It is possible to
amend or replace any such provision with a valid and unenforceable one.
You can get a reflection of our genuine intent and objective in the original

13. Assignment and Resale: It is to keep in mind that your rights and duties
under this Services Agreement are not transferable or assignable. If your
creditors attempt to attain an interest in your rights under this Services
Agreement either by levy, garnishment or attachment, we will render this
Services Agreement voidable.

14. Force Majeure: None of the parties should be responsible for any delay,
cessation or interruption in the performance of the obligations which are
under this Services Agreement. Neither you nor we are legally responsible
for damages caused by natural calamities like earthquake; flood; fire;
storm; natural disaster; shortages, breaches, or delays, act of God; war;
terrorism; armed conflict; labor strike; lockout; boycott and supplier
failures. You are prohibited from controlling any law, action or request of
the government, order regulation, direction like any federal, state and local
governments having or claiming jurisdiction over ServerBold, and of any
kind of department, commission, agency, corporation, bureau, and other
instrumentality of federal, state and local government, an of any kind of
military or civil authority; an any other cause and circumstance, no matter
whether the similar an dissimilar nature to foregoing, beyond reasonable
control of an affected party, given that party relying on the section will have
given other party notice thereof promptly or, in event, in five days of the
discovery thereof or (ii) will take all the steps reasonably essential under
circumstances to mitigate effects of force majeure event on that this notice

is totally based; given further, in an event the force majeure event that is
described in the Section extends for the period in an excess of 30 or thirty
days in an aggregate, and ServerBold might immediately terminate the
Services Agreement.

15.Headings: The headings in each and every sections of this Services
Agreement are introduced, inserted and placed conveniently or in no way will
define, construe, limit, an describe scope and extent of this section and in
any way will affect this section.